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Community environmental culture for the integral management of solid waste in the municipality of Las Vueltas, El Salvador


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In the municipality of Las Vueltas we have developed dissemination and awareness campaigns for the separation of solid waste from its origin, development of cleaning campaigns in rivers and streams and the realization of an environmental culture fair aimed at the entire population of the municipality._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

We have promoted the program for the separation, reuse, recycling and elimination of solid waste from its origin; The infrastructure created to improve the production of compost generated at the household level in the rural and urban areas of the municipality was improved, allowing at the same time the reduction of transportation costs and payment for final disposal.

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Educational processes were articulated and we advanced in citizen awareness to promote awareness and attitudes of environmental protection in the population. 

Together with our technicians and the human resources of the municipality of Las Vueltas, we worked on the fabric of organizational strengthening, specifically the creation of the Environmental Committee was instituted, which together with the environmental unit of the mayor's office will be responsible for carrying out dissemination and awareness campaigns for the separation of solid waste from its origin; Part of the efforts were focused on the population of the beneficiary communities increasing their organizational capacity. 

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