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violence prevention

Youth violence generally involves youth hurting other peers. It can take different forms. Examples include fighting, intimidation, threats with weapons, and gang-related violence.

This violence prevention program seeks to identify those who are most at risk and work with these sectors to reduce violence.


The Violence Prevention Program is designed to work with participants to decrease interpersonal violence through a process of thought and behavior change. The program offers education and intervention techniques to address previous actions and/or beliefs that have been abusive or destructive in relationships with others. We believe that people who have engaged in violent acts against others can change abusive beliefs and patterns in relationships if they are given education, skills, and resources.


We keep in mind that prevention cannot be carried out by a single sector, in addition, the voices of children, youth and families who are the most affected by violence must be front and center.


Collectively, we can prevent and eliminate violence and improve the well-being of our society!

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